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Hi, I am Gera the creator of BrownSkinBeauties. This blog is a lifestyle blog its not just fashion, beauty, hair, love, or celebs its any and everything in between that I see in my daily life. contact me bsbbeauties@gmail.com www.brownskin-beauties.com COMING SOON pls follow us on twitter.com/bsbbeauties or visit myspace.com/brownskinbeauties or become a fan on fb! Always BSB

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Fat Ugly White Woman Syndrome

Hey Loves...

Now you probably thinking what is "Fat White Woman Syndrome" aka FWWS well its a syndrome that a lot of black men seem to be suffering from.  Sadly, I just seen this in my apt elevator and that is what inspired this blog write. So I am finally coming home from my Philly trip and  I am on the elevator to my apt and I see this not so bad looking black man with a not good looking chubby checker white woman. Now before I get any nasty comments I am not all against big women or white women!! But when I see my black men date outside they race it always gives me a sting of disappointment, hurt, and anger and as much hate to feel that way I just can't help it. I think of slavery, racism, colorism, the plight of black men, hardships of black women, the now damn there non-existent black family, and the millions of single black women dyng for a good black men. Now, I am not going to give you nasty looks or talk bad bout you and call you a sell-out or uncle tom because I believe in people having the right to do whatever they want. But when I see a black man especially a handsome one looking like a slice of chocolate black man heaven with an unattractive, overweight, white woman I am disturbed. My question is what do you see in her that you didn't see in an attractive more fit black woman?

The obvious is her complexion. The fact that she is white and not black. But is that really all you see? You rather date a out a shape, unattractive white woman just because she is WHITE? Or maybe you like bbw (big beautiful woman) but that can't be the case because their are plenty of big beautiful black women available. Or maybe its her personality? Maybe she offers you financial help or career advancement or stability,  etc? I don't know. But on so many occasions I have seen "Idris Elba" types with FUWW syndrome and it disturbs me. Becasue all I can think is, "This is who you like really?"

It has to be more to this FUWW syndrome that meets the eye. Because when I switch it around and I think of white men who date black women the women they choose always BAD! I have never seen a white man with an ugly outta shape black woman. Not to say that it don't exist but I am only speaking from what I've seen. For example Robert Deniro wife..BAD! Robin Thicke wife... BAD! Chris Noth (Mr.Big SATC) wife..BAD!! Chef Wolfgang Puck wife..BAD! George Lucas wife..BAD! David Bowie wife..Iman.. BAD! Gabriel Aubry ex girl Halle Berry..the baddest of the BAD! and there is plenty more where that come from. But when I go in look at the black men wives/girlfriend in entertainment they mostly are bare minimum with a small amount that I would consider beautiful. With so many attractive white women where is the Adriana Lima's ,Scarlett Johannsens's,  Meagan Fox's, and Jennifer Anistons's standing beside the black men who date white women.  I mean just look at Taye Diggs wife most I go even further. If you are going to interracially date why not get the best of the best. Like Seal and his beautiful wife Heidi Klum. #Imjustsayin There is so many questions that I have for the black men that I see that suffer from FUWW syndrome but most importantly my question is "Are you really dating her just because she is white? Because that's what I think...unfortunately

What do you guys think? Where do you think the FUWW syndrome comes from?

Always BSB,
Miss BSB


  1. Taye Diggs's wife is the shit though. Idina Menzel? Extremely Talented. Super Nice. And currently on a hit TV show (Glee). I think she is pretty. And they have been together almost two decades. They actually dated years before they got married. And were married years before they had a kid. I like that logic. You hardly see that shit in Hollywood anymore.

    But I digress. I agree so a lot of people in the business date interracially because they think it is the *in* thing to do. But not all of them are like that.

    Though I do side eye the ghetto looking black dude with his nasty boxes hanging out -- with his overweight, bottle blond white girlfriend in clothes 2 sizes too small. And not because they are together, but because they think they are the shit and they are looking ME up and down because they assume I'm going to start something.

    It is ridiculous.

  2. I don't thnk ppl date interracially bc its the "in" thing to do but more so because they choose too. We have to agree to disagree on Taye Diggs wife bc she is not cute too me at all. She maybe an amazing woman but looks wise she does nothing for me. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I just don't get why it bothers some BW so much to see a BM with a WW. I remember Jill Scott saying something similar in Essence magazine last year. I am a BW and I have several WW friends who are with BM and I don't feel a thing, other than happiness that they found someone who loves them for who they are. But, on the other hand, I'm just not attracted to BM, so maybe that's the reason. We should be mindful of our history, but also, we cannot hold accountable the White people walking around today who had nothing to do with slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Each person should be taken for who they are, not the race they happen to be a member of. I support BM dating/marrying/having kids with WW and Non-BW because I would support a BW dating/marrying/having kids with a WM or non-BM.

  4. Hey! how about you address the successful, Sexy, BAD sisters who date ugly, dirty dingy white men...I would love to know what the response would be.

  5. you're so jealous - how can you still think of slavery when u look at an inter-racial couple - i think of love and the future -- but you must be american and stuck in the 60s

  6. On one hand I understand why it upsets black women. But on the other hand its like get over it already! This is old hat and y'all need to move on. Black women spend so much time complaining about their perceived lack of available good men that they make themselves unattractive to men who hear such speak. Furthermore, you might want to pick these women's brains and figure out what it is they're doing to pull these black dudes. Trust me, it isn't just them being white!
    Oh, and stop acting like you don't know black men love some thick/fat/bbw women!

    To the writer: your grammar is terrible! If you're going to write a blog, for the love of all black folks, represent us better than that! Smh....

  7. Black women are on the lowest rung of American evolutionary ladder . In your case , probably because of poor grammar , misspellings & run-on sentences !

  8. I can explain but You should just read and watch people.
