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Hi, I am Gera the creator of BrownSkinBeauties. This blog is a lifestyle blog its not just fashion, beauty, hair, love, or celebs its any and everything in between that I see in my daily life. contact me bsbbeauties@gmail.com www.brownskin-beauties.com COMING SOON pls follow us on twitter.com/bsbbeauties or visit myspace.com/brownskinbeauties or become a fan on fb! Always BSB

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year ,New Me, New You!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and NYE. My Christmas was not so good but my NYE was fantastic. I came home to Philly on new years and spent time with my family. I love them to death. Its almost like a tradition where we make appetizers and party all night long. I swear we do it every year and it never gets old. Love it!
Well now that it is a new year, it means new things and new ideas. A new attitude and maybe a new pair of shoes. LOL I did a self evaluation last year and I seen my flaws. I quit damn there everything I started and made excuses to justify why I did quit. I cried about jobs when in reality I had about 7 jobs within the last year and a half but when I didn't like something I left or never showed up. That is not a good character trait. Whose to say that if I had keep one of those jobs I would of been in NY now instead of Atlanta. How would my life had been if I had finished all the goals I had set?

I like to believe that everything happens for a reason.That through all the trials, errors, and tribulations life is preparing us for a better future. But what if that isn't true? What if life is what we make it? Maybe there isn't some magical reason to why bad shit happens and good things don't. Maybe we make our minds believe that everything happens for a reason so that we can find comfort in the all the disappointing stuff that happens to us. I don't know. But I do know that in 2010 I will change myself for the better and I will continue to throughout my life and not just when a new year begins.

I believe in destiny and that we are all here to be great at something. But destiny isn't enough you have to put hard work behind it and fight for it till the end. I mean do you think people was destined to be crackheads. Hell no! They had a destiny too but they did not take advantage. Faith is only one part. You cant leave it up to GOD or anyone else. Because if you do you maybe waiting forever. For example, there are poor people who to go to church every Sunday but yet they are still poor. They have faith, give tithe and pray but yet they suffer financially. But the preacher has a Benz and a big house and yet he does not suffer financially. Why? Because he put forth the effort rather it was screwing members out there money or making their own christian empires, either way they are not struggling.

My point is that we can have all the things we want in this world with a little faith, hard work, and a plan to get us there. Don't just make a new years resolution make a life resolution. Stick to it and don't give up. Because the moment you do it will take you steps backwards not forward. Life is short. Life is hard. Life will have ups and downs. Life is truly what you make it. So you have to live it fully with no excuses and no fear. Go for it my brownies. Be who it is you want to be! Success and happiness is waiting for you.

Always BSB,
Miss BSB

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