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Hi, I am Gera the creator of BrownSkinBeauties. This blog is a lifestyle blog its not just fashion, beauty, hair, love, or celebs its any and everything in between that I see in my daily life. contact me bsbbeauties@gmail.com www.brownskin-beauties.com COMING SOON pls follow us on twitter.com/bsbbeauties or visit myspace.com/brownskinbeauties or become a fan on fb! Always BSB

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Black Women: Know Your Self Worth

I know too many women who have been with men they was not worth a penny! Not even a penny with a hole in it! They was worthless! But it boggled my mind that these beautiful, brilliant, educated, loving women was with these "good for nuthin" men. Some say it was because of love, sex, or because they was comfortable and did not want to find another mate. But it boils down to SELF-WORTH.

If you know you are deserving of a man that would love you unconditionally and will appreciate and love you despite your flaws; and not mistreat,abuse,or cheat on you than you are on the right path. As women of the new millenium, we feel because there are so few available men, we have to take whomever we can get. But baby that is not true! Yes there are more females than males but does that mean you settle for anything? When you settle for anything you become unhappy and eventually misery will breed its ugly head.

Men are way smarter than we think. They know they aint shit. They know that they are using you. They know as long as you have low self-esteem your not gonna leave them. That is why they say, "stay away from friends" and "your mom don't know what she talking bout." Or they criticize anything or anyone that they think will make you a better person.(really anything that will make you know your self -worth and leave they ass!)They know that they don't have to work because my "ol' lady got it." They know that as long as they say a couple of "I love you's" and give you good sex your going to forgive them everytime. Men know this! They know what they can and can not do to their wives and girlfriends. But we fall for it everytime. It's like we have a complex. We think its ok for him to cheat as long as he makes up for it. We think its ok for a men to abuse us as long as he apologizes and buys us a nice gift. We think its ok because its apart of life. It is not. Or because it happened to Keisha or our mom we get confused by what love really is. We live for the "making up" stuff. But it is all a fascade. Because men know what to do to get us back.
Here is the classics:
1. Apologies (so many that it floods ya emails, texts, and vm's to the point you give in)
2. Gifts (luxury gifts and flowers etc) (things he never really bought you before)
3. Willingness to do anything (mow ya lawn, wash dishes,give up his phone, take you out every weekend etc)
4. Good Behavior but for a limited time (because trust and believe when he see you have forgiven him he will ease back into his old self
6. "I Changed" ( 9 out of 10 its lies) How can a person change overnight? You can't be a cheater all your life and tommorrow you a one woman man.
7. Stunts ( tattoo of your name , fake suicides, quit a bad habit, going over your mom house crying etc) this all to get a reaction out of you. Most women are sensitive so this over the board actions gets us everytime.

But if you know your self worth no amount of gifts, apologies, love or pure "comfort" will allow you to settle for a relationahip that is not in sync with your value as a WOMAN! And if a man tells you, " You won't find another man better than him." You tell him in your best Beyonce voice, "You must not know bout me/ You must know bout me/ I can have another you in a minute and he'll do it way BETTER than you ever did it! Baby!

Always BSB,
Miss BSB
"Self-worth is a direct result of our self-esteem. If our esteem is high than our self-worth is high. Which only allows us to attract and be with people of a higher standard."

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