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Hi, I am Gera the creator of BrownSkinBeauties. This blog is a lifestyle blog its not just fashion, beauty, hair, love, or celebs its any and everything in between that I see in my daily life. contact me bsbbeauties@gmail.com www.brownskin-beauties.com COMING SOON pls follow us on twitter.com/bsbbeauties or visit myspace.com/brownskinbeauties or become a fan on fb! Always BSB

Monday, February 15, 2010

Judgement? Where they do that at?

They do judgement everywhere! Why? I do not understand because no one on this earth is better than anyone. Yes I said it! To all those holier than-thous and those who think they are better than anyone. Now to all the religious people who pass judgement let me tell you something. We are all sinners, we fall victim to sin, and we all have faults. Just because you go to church, mosque, hall, synagogue or any other place of worship do not make you better than anyone. Because some of the same people are at the club drinking and fornicating the day before and after.
So when people pull that religious card with you go and ask them when they last time they sinned. Trust. It wasn't to long ago. GOD sees all things good and bad.

Now to the hating ass, ignorant ass folks that judge people based on their own personal opinions. Fuck off! I love how these decepticons are quick to judge people based on their own ignorant thoughts but inside wish they could do what you doing. These people make judgements about people they do not know and subject matters where they have no real information. People like this are usually ignorant, self-absorbed, and usually jealous. Most of no clue of the real world and only live in their little boxes and think that people should live their life according to their standards. NOT! Once again FUCK OFF!

Than you have the hypocrites. People who judge you but than go ahead and do the same things that they are judging you for. Or they criticize you for the same things they did in their past but now because they "saved" or they feel its a new day, they judge you. Chile please! For example, a man who tells his son not to abuse woman but yet he beats on females. A woman who looks down on women who strip but yet they dancing half butt naked in the club every sat night, drunker than a skunk, and than one night stands a guy. These women are the ones who quick to jump on any pole in the club or train station but judge the ones who make a living from it to feed they kids, pay for school or etc. Chile please! The men who claim not to like gay people yet they daydreaming about Morris Chestnut at night. DL losers. The women who say, "Why she got so many kids? or Why she 16 and pregnant? But they forgot they was 17 and pregnant before or had multiple abortions or gave their baby up for adoption. Or the women who talk bad about escorts/prostitutes but yet they been ran through they whole neighborhood. Atleast they getting paid for giving it up and you getting gang banged by Tyrone and them for nothing! The man who talks bad about Tiger Woods yet he cheats on his wife when he goes on business trips. I could go on and on.

But I know this people stop the judgement! We all are human and not one of us are better than anyone else. We all fall to sin and we all have flaws. None of us are perfect. We all have old skeletons in our past so who are we to judge and no one should judge us for our faults. So unless you are GOD himself please DO NOT JUDGE!

Always BSB,
Miss BSB

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