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Hi, I am Gera the creator of BrownSkinBeauties. This blog is a lifestyle blog its not just fashion, beauty, hair, love, or celebs its any and everything in between that I see in my daily life. contact me bsbbeauties@gmail.com www.brownskin-beauties.com COMING SOON pls follow us on twitter.com/bsbbeauties or visit myspace.com/brownskinbeauties or become a fan on fb! Always BSB

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Number 5. Get Ya Groove Back & Take a Exotic Vacation
I know this sounds very basic but there are so many women who have never left the neighborhood they grew up in. They are like Dorothy in The WIZ, who had never been south of 135th st!! LOL Black women work so hard for ourselves and we take care of our children and our children's children's that we never have time for us. So take that 7 day vacation and not to no damn New Jersey or even Miami go to Jamaica, Belize, Turks & Cacaos, St. Lucia, or Barbados etc. Somewhere where you eat fresh fish and no damn tilapia!! Eat mangoes or some exotic fruit and mix in some rum and meet a local island cutie and GET YA GROOVE BACK!!!

Number 4. Be A Bad Girl Once

Now when you think bad girl you may think of those wild animals on Bad Girls Club. Yes I said wild animals and don't care. But I"m not talking about being like them. No fighting or cursing or acting inappropriate in the public for no damn reason. I am referring to letting go of all of society's rules of how a woman should act and do what makes you feel good. Let ya hair down or up, take a pole dancing class, have a one night stand, curse out ya boss, take nude pictures, kiss a girl or whatever desire you keep hidden. Be a little selfish and do what you want not what others want you to do! Become a sexy siren that does what she wants when she wants and will delicately destroy any person that gets in her way!! Marilyn Monroe said it best,
"Well behaved women rarely make history."

Number 3. Have An Orgasm
Studies show that more than 10% of women have never experienced an orgasm, and 50% of women have had trouble getting sexually aroused at some point. Only 30% of women have reported to be able to orgasm through penetration alone. Do you see the numbers? Women are having sex but not having orgasms. Which is ludicrous too me on so many levels. So ladies please learn your body, what you like, what turns you on, and try to re -create that with your man. The pleasure from an orgasm is like no other feeling. Every woman who is sexually active should experience it. Its one of life's small pleasures. THE BEST FEELING EVER!! SO LADIES STOP PLAYING & HAVE A DAMN ORGASM! :)

Number 2. Fall in Love
Are you surprised I said that? Hehe. Love is a beautiful thing and so few of us get to fall in love. Now I'm talking about true love that "Notebook" ,"Love Jones" butterflies in your stomach type of love. The love that overcomes all obstacles, emotions, and blinds you to the rest of the world. The type of love where you just want to be with him, breathe like him, lay with him, make love to him, have his babies, give up your life just to be with him. And when its over you think you can't live but you do and you never forget about the love you shared. So don't be scared ladies, FALL IN LOVE!

Number 1. Learn to Love Thy Self
This is the hardest of them all. Why? Because we live in a society that bombards us with certain images of beauty that we don't all fit in. Some of us have low self esteem based of what negative things people have told us. "We're not pretty enough." or at all. "You're fat." "You're too dark or too light." You're too skinny, too tall, too big or too small." And if you've been in an abusive relationship or had abusive parents the damage they caused could forever hurt your self worth. Show me a beautiful woman and I bet she has some self esteem issues. But I am telling you love yourself internally and externally. Love your body and accept your flaws because we all have them. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself everyday, "I am beautiful." "I am great." "I am me and I love me." This is the hardest one but,LEARN TO LOVE THY SELF LADIES!!

Always BSB,
Miss BSB

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